Velvet Lip Blush


Velvet Lip Blush 〰️

Velvet Lip Blush

Velvet lip blush, also known as lip blushing or lip tattooing is a cosmetic procedure that adds color to the lips to enhance their natural shape and color. The result is a soft, velvety, and youthful appearance for the lips. Velvet lip blush is a great way to add a natural and subtle but noticeable change to your lips. You can enhance your shape and color, create symmetry and add the illusion of fullness. We can work together to even shape, cover scars and color correct and even out the color of your lips.

Lips before second appointment touch up

The next day after lip blush touch up


Velvet Lip Blush - $600

One touch up is included and will be scheduled during your initial appointment. A touchup takes place 6-12 weeks after the initial appointment and is crucial to see the healed results and how the ink settles in your skin. A lot of the time clients are worried that the results will not look natural but during the touch up everyone always wants to go darker!

Touch ups after 1 year from your first initial appointment will be at a discounted rate of $300

A non-refundable $100 deposit is required for appointments. 

Healing Stages

Recent Work


In preparation for our appointment please follow this before care:

♥ NO alcohol 24 hours prior (this can cause bleeding and sensitivity)

♥ NO sunburns or laser on lip area 1 week prior

♥ You cannot be pregnant or breastfeeding

♥ NO caffeine the day of (this can cause bleeding and sensitivity)

♥ NO blood thinners day of

♥ NO working out day of

♥ If you suffer from cold sores you need to be taking acyclovir at least 3 days prior to your

appointment and continue to take it 3 days after you get your procedure. 

♥ NO Botox in lip area or lip filler/injections 3 weeks prior to procedure

♥ NO deep exfoliation at least two weeks prior to the appointment (ex. Chemical Peel)

♥ NO antibiotics at least 4 weeks prior

♥ NO opening, breakouts, or cuts/cracks around the lips


♥ Please change your pillowcase before you go to bed tonight

♥ NO application of any lip makeup for 7 days

♥ NO scratching, picking, biting, or licking the dr skin or chapped lip area

♥ NO super spicy foods for 24 hours

♥ NO foreign body fluids in or around the lips for 5 days

♥ NO kissing for 5 days (this includes your furry friends)

♥ NO activities that will cause extreme sweating for 5 days

♥ NO swimming pools, hot tubs, or other bodies of water for 5 days

♥ NO tanning or UV exposure for 7 days

♥ NO laser therapy on lips

♥ NO exfoliants or acids on the lips for 30 days

♥ NO massage or facials for 5 days

Are you ready for your new pout?